Docker[8] | Naming And Inspecting

Monday, Jul 19, 2021 | 1 minute read | Updated at Tuesday, Oct 18, 2022


Name a container

So far we have referenced containers only with their ID or with a prefix, but containers can also be referenced by their names also.

Create a new container with name counter from image loodse/counter using docker run -d -it --name counter loodse/counter.

Now the container with name counter is started, you can perform various operations on containers by using its name.

Check the logs using docker logs counter.

Inspecting a container

There are many configurations and details associated with each running container like IP Address, Mac Address, Ports exposed, Creation timestamp and many others.

You can retrieve these details using command docker inspect counter.

Using –format

docker inspect command outputs lot of details in parsable json. You can get particular fields from that.

docker inspect -f '{{json .Created}}' counter. This way you can directly retrieve Created field from json output.

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